- 上書房
- (上書房, 上书房)
清 代皇子讀書之處。
清 昭槤 《嘯亭續錄‧上書房》: “皇子六齡, 即入上書房讀書。 書房在 乾清宮 左, 五楹, 面北向, 近在禁篽, 以便上稽察也。”清 陳康祺 《燕下鄉脞錄》卷十三: “ 李學士 中簡 值上書房最久, 諸皇子皆服其品學。”
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
Alex Miller — (born 4 July 1949, in Glasgow) is a Scottish football coach and former football player. He won the Skol Cup in 1991 with Hibernian and took St Mirren into the UEFA Cup. On 8 May 2008 it was announced that Alex Miller was leaving the post of First … Wikipedia
Yang Mi — Chinese name 楊冪 (Traditional) Chinese name 杨幂 (Simplified) … Wikipedia